"Do not train children to learning by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each." - Plato
At Sidhhartha Public School it is our aim not only to pursue academic excellence but also to motivate our students to be life long learners, critical thinkers, and productive members of an ever-changing global society. We try to provide our students with an atmosphere for multifaceted development, where children are encouraged to channelize their potential in the pursuit of excellence. We aim to nurture the talents, skills, and abilities of each student and provide them with a platform to think, express, and exhibit their skills so as to empower them to negotiate several issues that confront them, with the teacher being a facilitator.
Our school aims to develop a good sense of discipline and moral values within the ever-changing social norms of society. Children these days are much more sensitive; they possess very high self-esteem and believe in independent thinking. Therefore, we ensure that the approach to motivating and getting the best out of children is based on the positive reinforcement of good work and good behavior..